史蒂芬.米格:聖母瑪利亞 Stephan Micus: Panagia (CD) 【ECM】
抽筋豪 文
「Throughout the world people have
put their truse in a female goddess
in Greece she is called panagia.」
一位真正能稱作世界音樂學家的音樂流浪者、來自德國的史蒂芬.米格斯(Stephan Micus),正逢花甲之年的他,於此刻發行他在ECM的第二十張專輯─《聖母瑪利亞》(Panagia),將其虔誠謙卑的姿態,化作音樂,獻給至高無上的基督之母。
專輯內的六個文本,係來自西元七世紀的古拜占庭,Stephan Micus再度運用其對於世界各地器樂的豐富知識與演奏技術,將巴伐利亞古箏(zither)、印度十八弦琴(dilruba)、長頸琵琶(chitrali sitar)、中國維吾爾弦樂器sattar、土耳其的納伊笛(Nay)、還有他個人自製的十四弦吉他(14-string guitar)等樂器發揮至淋漓盡致,搭配虔誠的大量人聲頌文,其莊嚴肅穆之境,令人沉澱自省。
「the valley spirit never dies
it is the woman, primal mother
her gateway is the root of heaven and earth
it is like a veil barely seen
use it, it will never fail.」─lao tsu
綿綿若存,用之不勤。」─老子 道德經第六章《谷神不死》
Stephan Micus - voice, bavarian zither, dilruba, chitrali sitar, sattar, 14-string guitar, nay
01. I Praise You, Unfading Rose (bavarian zither, voice)
02. You are the Treasure of Life (tibetan chimes, burmese temple bells, zanskari horsebells, 2 dilruba)
03. I Praise You, Lady of Passion (22 voices)
04. You are the Life-Giving Rain (chitrali sitar, 6 dilruba, 5 sattar)
05. I Praise You, Sacred Mother (20 voices)
06. You are like Fragant Incense (3 sattar)
07. I Praise You, Sweet-Smelling Cypress (14 string guitar, 8 dilruba, 3 sattar, 5 nay, 10 voices)
08. You are Full of Grace (2 chitrali sitar, 6 sattar)
09. I Praise You, Shelter of the World (chinese gongs, 10 voices)
10. You are a Shining Spring (tibetan chimes, burmese temple bells, zanskari horsebells, 2 dilruba)
11. I Praise You, Cloud of Light (bavarian zither, voice)
Total duration: 65:07