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布瑞頓:歌劇《魂斷威尼斯》Benjamin Britten: Death In Venice (DVD)【Dynamic】

布瑞頓:歌劇《魂斷威尼斯》Benjamin Britten: Death In Venice (DVD)【Dynamic】

SKU: 33608

Voice of Apollo: R.-François Bitar
Traveller and other roles: Scott Hendricks
Tadzio: Alessandro Riga
Jaschiu: Danilo Palmieri
Conductor: Bruno Bartoletti
Strawberry seller and other roles: Sabrina Vianello
Lace seller and other roles: Liesbeth Devos
Orchestra and Chorus of Teatro La Fenice, Bruno Bartoletti
Teatro La Fenice, Venice, 2008

錄音時間 / 地點
Set in Venice, the English composer’s beloved city, Death in Venice is Britten’s last opera, written between 1971 and 1973.
Recorded at Teatro La Fenice in Venice, 2008, this is the most modern version of Death in Venice available on DVD.

The set however was not new. It was the same set used for a production Pierluigi Pizzi made in Genoa in 2000 that was so successful it won the Abbiati Prize, a prestigious Italian music prize.

<Act 1>
01. Opening
02. My mind beats on (Aschenbach)
03. Who’s that? (Aschenbach)
04. Hey there, hey there, you! (Chorus)
05. Ah, Serenissima! (Aschenbach)
06. We are delighted to greet the Signore (Hotel Manager)
07. Poles, I should think (Aschenbach)
08. The wind is from the West (Aschenbach)
09. Adziù, Adziù! (Chorus)
10. Aou’! Stagando, aou’! (Gondolier)
11. Naturally, Signore, I understand (Hotel Manager)
12. So be it (Aschenbach)

<Act 2>
01. Opening/Orchestral introduction
02. So, it has come to this (Aschenbach)
03. Sickness? What sickness? (Aschenbach)
04. And now I cannot let them out of sight (Aschenbach)
05. O voluptuous days! (Aschenbach)
06. This way for the players, Signori! (Hotel Porter)
07. Ah, little Tadziù (Aschenbach)
08. Receive the stranger god (Voice of Dionysus)
09. Do what you will with me! (Aschenbach)
10. O Aschenbach... (Aschenbach)
11. The wind still blows from the land (Hotel Manager)

螢幕比:NTSC 16:9
聲道:LPCM 2.0


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