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梅耶貝爾:歌劇《十字軍在埃及》 Giacomo Meyerbeer: Il Crociato In Egitto (2DVD)【Dynamic】

梅耶貝爾:歌劇《十字軍在埃及》 Giacomo Meyerbeer: Il Crociato In Egitto (2DVD)【Dynamic】

SKU: 33549 

Conductor: Emmanuel Villaume 
Director, set & costume designer: Pier Luigi Pizzi 
Aladino: Marco Vinco 
Palmide: Patrizia Ciofi 
Osmino: Iorio Zennaro 
Alma: Silvia Pasini 
Adriano di Monfort: Fernando Portari 
Felicia: Laura Polverelli 
Armando d’Orville: Michael Maniaci 
Orchestra and Chorus of Teatro La Fenice di Venezia 
Teatro La Fenice, Venezia, 2007 

Meyerbeer composed Il Crociato in just over one year, between September 1822 and the following autumn, at the end of the German composer’s so-called ”Italian period”. Although this is an opera of great dramatic and musical complexity its première was highly successful with both audience and critics, one commentator accurately describing it as ”a building of highlyapplauded construction”. The plot, so rich in events, skilfully weaves historical-religious elements with private happenings and feelings. Against the background of the interreligious conflict between Christians and Muslims, the story of the main characters unfolds in an efficacious alternation of grand choral scenes and solo numbers with arias and cabalettas. Il Crociato in Egitto was Meyerbeer’s last and greatest Italian success and the opera that made his name on the nternational scene; it was also the first of Meyerbeer’s grand operas to fall into disgrace. This La Fenice production, directed by Pier Luigi Pizzi, is the first in modern times and has Patrizia Ciofi (Palmide) and the male soprano Michael Maniaci (Armando D’Orville) in the main roles. 

01. Opening 
02. Introduzione molto moderato 
03. Patria amata (Chorus) 
04. I doni di Elmireno (Palmide) 
05. Urridi vezzose (Chorus) 
06. E Palmide! Ella sola... (Armando) 
07. Vedi il legno (Chorus) 
08. Tutto intorno tace (Adriano) 
09. D’Armando D’Orville (Felicia, Palmide) 
10. Invitto, illustre (Aladino, tutti) 

11. Ove incauta m’inoltro? (Felicia) 
12. O solinghi recessi (Palmide) 
13. Ma ciel s’ei mai perì (Palmide) 
14. O Cielo clemente (Armando, Palmide, Felicia, Adriano) 
15. Tutto è finito (Adriano) 
16. O tu divina fè (Armando) 
17. Ah! Che fate! (Armando) 

螢幕比:NTSC 4:3 
聲道:PCM 2.0, Dolby Digital 5.1 


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