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斯德哥爾摩合唱團:麥田之歌 (Vinyl LP)【Proprius】

斯德哥爾摩合唱團:麥田之歌 (Vinyl LP)【Proprius】

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Stockholm Cathedral Choir: Now the Green Blade Riseth

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瑞典錄音鬼才Bertil Alving 經典之作,專輯收錄20首聖歌,由托斯坦.尼爾森指揮斯德歌爾摩大教堂合唱團與合唱團,兒童合唱團將瑞典宗教歌曲以民歌形式唱出,在管風琴、吉他與長笛伴奏之下,沒有嚴肅的宗教氣息,在北國的天使之音純真的演唱下,營造出療癒人心的感動。

<Side A>
01. There's a Wideness in God's Mercy
02. When He Comes
03. There Is a Road to Heaven
04. Thou Whom Shepherds Worshipped
05. Love Is Come Again
06. When we Share the Bread that He Gives us
07. God and Man at Table are Sat Down
08. The Love of God is Broad like Beach and Meadow
09. Said Judas to Mary
10. God, when You Breathe

<Side B>
01. Your Name, o, Jesus, is a Comfort
02. Sorrow and Joy Go Hand in Hand
03. I Konw of a Dark and Gloomy Garden
04. Walk Carefully, o, Christian
05. O, Jesus Mine, what Wrong Have You Done
06. Just One Day, One Moment at a Time
07. My Soul, You Must Now Forget
08. O Christ, who art the Light and Day
09. Hope Gives Rest to my Redeemed Soul
10. Spread Your Wings Over Me




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