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百憂解:我們心碎而至 Placebo: We Come In Pieces (藍光blu-ray) 【Evosound】

百憂解:我們心碎而至 Placebo: We Come In Pieces (藍光blu-ray) 【Evosound】

庫存單位: EVB334019

被譽為David Bowie英倫華麗搖滾傳承者的百憂解,於1994年成立開始,至今發行的專輯已累積了1100萬的銷售量,主唱Brian Molko雄雌莫辨的嗓音,頹醉而讓人驚艷,其率性的態度及多層次而富滿張力的音樂旋律吸引無數歌迷。百憂解在發行最新專輯「陽光戰役」後,展開了世界巡迴演出,吸引各地超過兩百五十萬的歌迷參與,而這場演唱會是2010年9月在倫敦的Brixton學院拍攝,百憂解迷人的舞台魅力與獨具爆發力的音樂,帶給歌迷一場視覺與聽覺的饗宴。

01. Nancy Boy
02. Ashtray Heart
03. Battle For The Sun
04. Soulmates
05. Kitty Litter
06. Every You Every Me
07. Special Needs
08. Breathe Underwater
09. The Never-Ending Why
10. Bright Lights
11. Meds
12. Teenage Angst
13. All Apologies
14. For What It’s Worth
15. Song To Say Goodbye
16. The Bitter End
17. Trigger Happy Hands
18. Post Blue
19. Infra-Red
20. Taste In Men

* Worldwide Live Tracks:
•Kitty Litter (Switzerland 09)
•Speak In Tongues (Mexico 09)
•For What It's Worth (Japan 09)
•Breathe Underwater (Germany 10)
•Bright Lights (Switzerland 10)
•Trigger Happy Hands (Belgium 10)
* Hour long documentary “Coming Up For Air” following Placebo on their world tour.
* The short film “Trigger Happy Hands”

螢幕比:1080i High-Definition Widescreen 16:9 (1.78:1)

聲道:LPCM Stereo, DTS-HD Master Audio, Dolby Digital 5.1

聲道:LPCM Stereo

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