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維立歐.托魯米斯:懷古 Veljo Tormis: Reminiscentiae (CD) 【ECM】

維立歐.托魯米斯:懷古 Veljo Tormis: Reminiscentiae (CD) 【ECM】

庫存單位: ECM2793

古老民謠音樂的元素是推動維立歐.托魯米斯(Veljo Tormis,1930-2017)作品的動力。正如這位偉大的愛沙尼亞作曲家所說:「不是我使用民歌。是民歌在使用我。」這種情感在東尼.卡尤斯特(Tõnu Kaljuste)指揮愛沙尼亞愛樂合唱團和塔林室內樂團中得到了呼應,指揮家Tõnu Kaljuste是托魯米斯幾十年來最親密的音樂夥伴之一。四個管弦樂循環慶祝季節的變化:「秋日風景」(Autumn Landscapes)、「冬季圖案」(Winter Patterns)、「春季素描」(Spring Sketches)、「夏日主題」(Summer Motifs)。還有三首作品「憂慮破壞靈魂」(Worry Breaks the Spirit)、「哈姆雷特之歌」(Hamlet's Songs)和「牧羊呼喚」(Herding Calls)由Tõnu Kaljuste重新安排,延續並紀念托魯米斯。專輯由Kaljuste在45年前委託的「我村莊的鐘聲」(The Tower Bell in My Village)開場,以葡萄牙詩人佩索亞(Fernando Pessoa)的詩句揭開序幕。《懷古》於2020年10月和11月在塔林錄製。

Veiko Tubin - Reciter
Annika Lõhmus, Triin Sakermaa, Maria Valdmaa - Soprano
Madis Metsamart - Bell, Percussion
Iris Oja - Mezzo Soprano
Indrek Vau - Trumpet
Linda Vood - Flute
Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir
Tallinn Chamber Orchestra
Tõnu Kaljuste - Conductor

01. The Tower Bell in My Village

02. Worry Breaks the Spirit

Melancholy Songs
03. I. The Singer's Childhood
04. Maidens' Sorrow
05. III. Orphan's Lament

Reminiscentia - Autumn Landscapes
06. I. It is Late Summer
07. II. Clouds Racing Across the Sky
08. III. Pale Light
09. IV. Painfully Red Leaves
10. V. Wind Along the Heath
11. VI. Cold Autumn Night
12. VII. Sad Purple Heather

Reminiscentia - Winter Patterns
13. I. Winter Morning
14. II. Cold
15. III. Blizzard
16. IV. Northern Lights

Reminiscentia - Spring Sketches
17. I. Spring Wind
18. II. Buds Leafing Out
19. III. Evening Sky
20. IV. Under the Bird Cherry Tree
21. V. Yellow Flame
22. VI. In Late Spring

Reminiscentia - Summer Motifs
23. I. Dry Weather
24. II. Thunderstorm
25. III. Summer Night

26. Reminiscentia - Three I Had These Words of Beauty

27. Hamlet's Songs I

28. Herding Calls - Childhood Memories





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